The Heart & Soul Choir rehearse at Ewell Grove Primary School, Epsom KT17 1UZ on Wednesdays from 7.30pm - 9pm.
Additional Information
There is parking just by the hall for around 20 cars, so if you’re local and can walk, please do so, and if you’re driving please come in groups car-sharing and you can be all environmentally friendly etc.
The hall AND car park are accessed via the High Street rather than West Street (where the front of the school is).
Please drive along the High Street and take the turning opposite Il Cappriccio to the left/right (depending which end you’re coming from) between Hanadan Restaurant and the Nail Bar where you will be able to see the hall in front of you.
If you are unable to park outside the hall, there is plenty of parking in the Car Park opposite Sainsburys round the corner.

Car parking access